Saturday, April 12, 2014

Time for BPC

Yesterday was my first day to work double shifts at work, meaning that all food had to be packed and there was no going back, (I live twenty two miles away, so home is never an option for lunch break). I made a large breakfast of two eggs and two pieces of bacon, but took Archer out (my dog) for his morning business and came back to half of it eaten by Texas (Brennan’s dog). More pissed than usual, as breakfast mattered today, I made my salad and glared at Texas every chance I got. I put a salad of roasted tomato, ham, roast beef, spinach, cabbage, feta cheese and olives together, then drizzled red wine vinaigrette (Annie’s) over it. On the side tupperware container there was mashed cauliflower leftovers. For drinkage I had tea with coconut oil in it. I've been wanting to get coconut oil for a while, as a lot of people recommend it and it’s in the newest health movement as a staple. It is recommended to put it in tea or coffee, but I didn’t have time to make hot tea and just threw it into my cold tea on hand, hoping that once it warmed I could shake it up into the tea…I was wrong. Turns out the tea or coffee has to be really hot or the oil just floats.

So I was thirsty and drank the green tea with coconut oil blobs on top, and it just tasted like coconut tea (surprisingly delicious really) and decided to just chew up a blog of coconut oil like tapioca pearls in boba tea. The taste was fantastic (sweet and yet buttery) and felt very full too, even the texture was the right amount of firm and chewy. Because of this full feeling (one I had been missing since the diet but for right after eating an avocado or hummus, and those don't taste nearly as good). I chewed a few blobs up and wound up eating two tablespoons of coconut oil in about two to three hours. recommends about two hours your first time while your body adjusts, as you'll be peeing a lot. This may have been fine if it were not for the sugar in the tea (probably too much for the diet, sorry) but the fullness did not feel good as it came with nausea, especially when I had to hold a baby against my stomach (at work).

The times I felt starving pretty much only occurred when I feared starving and having nothing to eat, pretty sure instinct just kicked in and said to eat now or die (like I’m a cavewoman whose man might soon die and I’ll be left to eat rocks or dirt/grass depending on my luck).

It turns out that I did not make a big enough salad (imagine one of those super small tupperware containers and that’s what it fit in). For some reason it seemed as though putting tons of shit in it would work….I was wrong. But! It’s a blog so I’m allowing bad grammar at times that it is convenient and or I just want to do so. But I did find this excellent juice bar that served up a delicious beet and kale juice (called energy boost which sounded perfect). I asked them if they had anything without carbs to eat and realized that I was now one of “those people” and very quickly flushed red. I wanted to back away saying nevermind I’m not hungry, but it was too late. He looked at me funny and said, “without carbs”? as though he didn’t know what carbs were. You would think a freaky health juice place knew how to deal with health freaks and their lingo, but I explained I just wanted something without bread or potatoes that wasn’t salad. He started to look frustrated at me for being so weird and not just eating bread so I threw out a suggestion...a sandwich just without the bread, and we both looked at each other with the same “no way” look and I said it would be boring, he agreed and we were on the same normal page. He wound up suggesting eggs and I spinach so I had eggs and spinach for $5. There was a really hard mental battle with the chocolate chip cookies at work, and I slipped and hit a cookie rock. I made a super tiny one and it honestly tasted gross and unsatisfying, plus the disappointment in myself left a gross aftertaste.

I should clarify that I work at a daycare and wind up making dinner for them: corn dogs, chicken nuggets, quesadillas, pizza, bagel bites or macaroni and cheese, without a tray of cookies. There are always leftovers that we're allowed to gets hard some days as I had the corn dogs before Keto..and one after, and they're delicious.
Overall though I did make it through the day without getting too hungry and even could have gone to sleep without eating, but wound up eating a sandwich (cheese for a "bun" and then ordering BBQ wings at 10 PM from Wingstop….oops.

Oddity I have noticed, my breath is tasting pretty bad, I read about this occurrence just yesterday, so it’s either a knowledge effect or I’m truly starting to enter Ketosis(apparently when the bad breath starts).

tldr; felt pretty full all day and didn’t feel faint again/more consistent energy

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